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Propelling Hiring Demands

Provided a neutral assessment platform to help the world's leading IT company.


World’s leading end-to-end IT company was in the quest of an unbiased and neutral assessment platform to fuel IT sector hiring. A plethora of IT companies are show- ing keen interest in hiring candidates with higher learning ability quotient over the experi- enced counterparts. Monjin stepped in to resolve the hiring challenges faced by top IT companies and upscale their businesses. Here’s a closer look at how Monjin bridged the gap between growing hiring needs and rapid technological transformation.

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Close bulk hiring demands in shortest turn-around time


Hiring processes eating into precious project time


Delayed interviews due to unavailability of interview panel


Lack of access to qualified and pre-assessed candidates

Monjin Approach

Potential candidates consume time in travelling, incur transit costs, and increase futile efforts. Monjin enabled IT companies to manoeuvre these challenges through a video platform, powered with an assessment tool to help technical fulfilment of the candidates in the IT sector.
IT companies faced time constraints due to unavailability of interview panel. Monjin treaded in with Level1 interviews that helped save time in resolving the hiring barriers within the shortest turn-around time of 48 hours.
Bulk hiring demand was another area of challenge for IT companies. Monjin provided seamless support in closing 50+ hiring requirements in the short span of 1 month.


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    Convenience in Candidate Screening
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    Increased candidates’ technical fitment with job role
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    Pre-assessed Candidates’ Videos
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    Accurate Candidate Pre-assessment
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    Reduced Hiring Cycle


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    50+ Positions Closed in 30 Days
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    200+ Candidates Evaluated
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    Project commencement within 3 Days



Monjin licenses availability within a month


Unparalleled Calibration Rate


Large IT companies shortlisted pre-assessed candidates from Monjin


No Technical interviews required from employer’s end

Enabling Global Leaders to Build Exceptional Teams