On-demand Panels for Neutrally Assessed Candidates
Revolutionized Just-In-Time resourcing, by addressing rapid hiring demands in the growing Tech sector.
One of the largest professional services firm in the world and a part of the “Big Four” accounting firms were in search of Just In Time (JIT) resourcing to meet the demand pipeline. As the professional services space is transforming, the hiring demand is predict- ed to experience a rapid growth in the coming years. The market forecasts a 5.4% global growth rate from 2016 to 2020, reading almost $5 trillion. Monjin seized the opportunity to resolve the hiring challenges faced in the professional services sector.


Attention Ratio

Delayed interviews due to unavailability of interview panel

Selection Ratio
Monjin conducted a market research to provide the accurate assistance to Persistent. The company setup a process to reduce the Turn-around-time for any action items and timely support. Monjin’s team started with one Business Unit of Persistent and based on the calibration ratio and utilising the rapport with the stakeholders it got 3 more Business Unit projects. The team ensured good interviewer quality, timely scheduling and feedbacks communicated to client.
- Neutrally assessed candidates
- Increased technical fitment of candidates with job role
- Faster hiring process
- Reducing costs and closing positions in a time effective manner.
- L2 select ratio is over 80%
- 897+ Interviews conducted within 4 months
- Weekend recruitment drives apart from weekdays
Persistent was extremely satisfied with Monjin’s interviewer quality and service and based on it the company gave a task of L2 selection to team Monjin. The team successfully completed the task in a very short duration of time which saved a tremendous amount of cost and efforts.
Enabling Global Leaders to Build Exceptional Teams